These are some AWESOME pictures that I am so proud of and I wanted to share. They were taken by my 3 year old daughter, using her Fisher Price Kid Touch Digital Camera!!! I love love love looking though all of the pictures she takes. I find it very interesting to see her angle and perspective of the world. I love that she makes pictures of all the important things in her 3 year old world. I soon plan to print a book for her of all of her work. Here's what my little photographer choose to shoot:

Our fridge

Her sit and spin!
Tot toes!!

Her painting mobile
A very artistic shot of two chairs

She clearly put a lot of thought into framing this one!

The important stuff!

I have never seen a better picture of a door knob... EVER!

Her Momma!

Dirty dishes....


Buddha from summertime
Give your little one a camera and you might be very surprised at how artistic they can be! (feel free to share them with me, I would love to see their pictures!!)