Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Holiday Cards!!!! (Yes, it's that time again)

Holiday cards are 40% off for sessions scheduled now until November 30th!!
These cards were designed by me (except for the last two on the bottom)!! They are all 5x7 flat cards. Hope you like them as much as I do!!

The Fall Design

The Holiday Designs
The text can be changed to say: Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or a greeting of your choice.

More Holiday Designs...

The Ronchi Family

Can't wait to do baby pictures in about four weeks!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"At our best and most fortunate we make pictures because of what stands in front of the camera, to honor what is greater and more interesting than we are. We never accomplish this perfectly, though in return we are given something perfect--a sense of inclusion. Our subject thus redefines us, and is part of the biography by which we want to be known." ~Robert Adams

Thursday, September 10, 2009

10 things about me not related to photography

1.  My favorite food is french fries.

2. I was born in Washington D.C. which means I wasn't actually born in a state.

3. My birthday is on Ground Hog's Day.

4. I studied abroad in Costa Rica during college.

5. I've bungee jumped off a 256ft high bridge and I have a fear of heights.

6. I love painting.

7. Ava is actually my daughters middle name, her first name is Caroline.

8. I've been a vegetarian for 14 years and I think I always will be one.

9.  I've lived in Yuma, AZ which is about as opposite from NH as you can get... not to mention the HOTTEST town in the country!

10. I want A LOT of kids (appx. 4-6)!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE kids!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st Day of Preschool for my little one...

Sniff, sniff... eyes watering... wiping a tear...
My little lady is growing up way to fast!  Alright, she's only 3 but still time is just flying by.  Here's some pictures and a video from her first day of preschool, she'll be attending three days a week for two and a half hours at a time (just the perfect amount of time for a grocery shopping, errands, exercise or work break!).  
Ava was SOOOOO excited and really had a great time... and her teacher is WONDERFUL (we couldn't be luckier!).